Offering music therapy and behavioral consultation services


Now accepting new families! In-person sessions are now available at the Kentfield location and in San Francisco homes. Parent meetings are held remotely.

Music as therapy  From shared social experiences around a gathering drum to analyzing the lyrics of Bob Dylan, music can be used as therapy to specifically target non-musical behaviors. By combining play-based and behavioral approaches that honor the interests of the child, music is used to promote social communication, emotional regulation, perspective taking, and executive function development.

Behavioral Support  Parents are supported in promoting prosocial behaviors and setting limits for undesirable and unsafe behaviors at home and in the community. In an ongoing collaboration with parents, pivotal goals are identified and behavioral recommendations are made based on decades of research in behavioral science.

Pierre Brennan, MM, MT-BC, BCBA is a Board Certified Music Therapist and a Board Certified Behavior Analyst.

For young children with autism, individualized early intervention programs are created that target pivotal developmental behaviors, such as joint attention, eye gaze, and non-verbal communicative gestures. Musical experiences and behavioral goals address the communicative, social, emotional, cognitive, motor, and musical needs of the child.

For children with ADHD and other behavioral challenges, music is used to improve specific attention skills (i.e., sustained, selective, alternating, divided) and teach social concepts through songwriting and storytelling. Musical compositions are collaboratively developed that tell a story targeting specific social thinking concepts (e.g., reading nonverbal cues, conversational skills, cooperating with others).